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Activating his sensors, he realized he was surrounded and he sat up and opened fire with the auto cannons built into his shoulders. The one hundred and twenty mm auto cannons opened up with high explosives and started tearing up the road in front of the charging gang bangers."Shit my tracking is off," Vincent snarled as he raised the targeting icon five inches and the next burst ripped three men wearing black pants with red shirts apart."Hold on Captain the cavalry is here," replied Sergeant Sam Bakes in his com unit."Watch out Sam, these fuckers are sneaky." As Arnold said in T-2, 'No problemo' I will make Swiss cheese out of these fuckwads."The Ninja mech came to a stop as Sam started tracking the heat sources charging his commanding officer's downed mech and he let loose with a barrage of thirty medium range missiles.James "Moocher" Gains watched the huge mech come to a stop and fire a barrage of missiles at his friends. He lifted the Chinese made PF-98 to his shoulder and fired. It was huge. As he was popular in the neighborhood every body had heard about his giant tube of meat. I could barely fit his know in my face. But it was for lack of trying. He jacked his cock until I got the first of many spurts of cum in my face. Wasn't quick enough to catch many. He finally picked and, after licking me clean told me he had a secret for me. Next thing I know my dad is standing with his monster cock hanging. Not a word was said. He stood next to me and handed his cock to me. I couldn't suck it because my jaw was sore. But I did jack him off all over my face.As we were leaving he said your mother knows and wants to make sure your okay. Now my mother wasn't the best looking woman but she had legs and feet to die for. Because of my birth I loved to massage and rub her gorgeous toes. I even learned how to paint them for her. Fire engine red and pale pink, two colors that still cause my heart to skip. As I neared her chair she was smiling. So, you have because the.
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